Yearly Volunteer Opportunities
Angels for Teachers: Help with wish list for teachers.
Catholic Schools Week: Celebrate Queen of Angels Catholic School with weeklong activities and programs. Volunteers are needed in many aspects to make it a memorable event. Information will be available in the January newsletter. We also show our appreciation to our staff by providing a special lunch. Help is needed in planning, set up, clean up, and watching classrooms during the luncheon.
Education Improvement Tax Credit (EITC): Award of state tax credits paid by local business firms to the Scholarship Foundation of the Diocese of Greensburg, which provides tuition assistance to our families. Interested in learning more? Please visit and fill out an inquiry form.
Homeroom Ambassadors: Assist homeroom teachers with special projects.
Library Volunteers: Assists in checking out books and clerical tasks in the library.
Cafeteria Volunteers: Provide adequate and quality supervision for our children.
Uniform Committee: Organize a used uniform room.
Parish Based Marketing Team: Families talking to new families about Queen of Angels in their parish by displaying children’s schoolwork, and working with the SCRIPS program.
Recruitment: Spread news about Queen of Angels Catholic School to new families.
Lottery Calendar Ticket: A yearly calendar is printed with chances to win money from the daily lottery number. Calendars are sold for $25.
Sarris Candy Sale: Christmas and Easter candy is sold. Help is needed to distribute order forms, tally order forms and distribute the products.
SCRIPS: A program to help families offset tuition costs. Families receive credit towards their tuition bill after buying varying vendor cash cards.